Reduce Demand Charges

Tired of...

Increasing charges on your energy bill?

Your profit margins shouldn’t keep getting reduced by growing energy costs. Lighten your overhead with renewable energy solutions that can handle your operational needs.

Reduce Demand Charges

  • Power companies penalize commercial entities by charging them kw power.
  • Utilities are being creative by charging your home/business a demand charge.
  • A Fortress Power Solar Energy Storage Solution can lighten your overhead costs. Since Fortress Power’s batteries store energy during off-peak energy periods (when rates are least expensive) and discharge it when rates are highest, your business will enjoy lower utility bills and a reduced carbon footprint.
  • Battery storage is the best way to avoid paying electricity costs during peak times.
Reduce Demand Charges
Reduce Demand Charges

Why Choose Fortress Power?

Fortress Power products use the latest cell technology that provides higher efficiency and a longer life span than other systems. The chart below compares the Fortress Power Lithium Iron Phosphate solution to other systems on the market.
Fortress Power Solution
Other Lithium-ion Solutions
Lead Acid
ApplicationsBackup Power, time of use, self-consumption, and off-gridBackup Power, time of use, self-consumption, and off-gridBackup PowerBackup Power
Depth of Discharge100% 100% 50%N/A
Battery ChemistrySafe TechnologyPotential thermal runway or firingRisk of harmful gasses Environmental Pollution
Life Cycles8,000+ (15+ years) 3,000 500-1,000 N/A
Warranty10 years 10 years 6 months 2 years
Fuel cost $0$0$0$70-$130 per day
MaintenanceNoNoEvery 6 months Yes
Energy Cost ($/kWh)0.14 0.300.650.50
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