Live Independent Of The Energy Grid

Get a quote today for smart, clean energy storage from Fortress Power

Off-grid living is becoming an increasingly viable choice for those looking for an eco-friendly way to live self-sufficiently. Best of all, using off-grid power systems allows you to have all the convenience that electricity offers without having to run power lines out to a remote property that may be prone to outages.

Whether you are looking to go off-grid with Solar and Battery storage or interested in adding Battery Storage to an existing PV system, one of our certified installers can help. Complete the form and we will connect you.


How does off-grid solar storage work?

Solar panels first convert solar energy or sunlight into DC power using what is known as the photovoltaic (PV) effect. The DC power can then be stored in a battery or converted by a solar battery inverter into AC power which can be used to run home appliances.

off grid solar backup

Get a quote today for smart, clean energy storage from Fortress Power​